Saturday, July 21, 2012

Day 11: Travel to Venice via Innsbruck

Innsbruck: home of Habsburgs and schnapps!
This is going to be a pretty short entry. Most of our day was consumed by the drive to Venice. We followed the same route that the ancient Romans took, over the Brenner Pass, over 2,000 years ago. Just like those ancient travelers, we made a stop at the last city before our journey through the pass. This city is Innsbruck. Our time in Innsbruck was short because we needed to make it to Venice in time to catch our ferry to the Lido, where our hotel is located. In fact, it was just enough time to buy a bottle of homemade schnapps and to stop by the Cafe Sacher for a Sachertorte and coffee. Then it was off to Venice.

Venitian highways just can't be beat!
Our drive to Venice took us through the northern parts of Italy, the richest and most economically productive region. We drove past miles of green vineyards and through valleys dotted with hillside castles that once guarded and taxed this ancient route. At the end of the road we loaded the bus onto the Lido ferry (after an hour- long wait. There was an unannounced strike in the morning. Ah, Italy.) and sailed to our hotel. This was the perfect introduction to Venice for those who have never been here before. Our trip on the ferry took us past Piazza San Marco (the old administrative center of Venice) on the way to our hotel.

The basilica of San Marco at night.
A quick five minutes at the hotel and then we jumped onto the vaporetto (water bus) for dinner in Venice. After our long day on the bus, most of us were ready to head back to the hotel for a short walk through the center of the Lido and then up to bed.


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