Friday, July 6, 2012

4 Days!!!

Sometimes the anticipation makes me do stupid stuff.
I picked up my starting currency at the bank this afternoon. Most of my packing is already done (Yes, I'm THAT guy). All of that advanced planning stuff is done. Now comes the most difficult task of all, the final days of anticipation. That's right, after all of these years and all of these trips I still get excited about traveling. I still remember the staying up all night long the day before my first trip to Europe. I was six. I remember bouncing up and down in the seat on the flight over. I learned how to ride a bicycle on that trip. I remember the impossibly long flight to Tokyo when I was fifteen, and the year-long anticipation of that trip with my friends in the Poway High School band. The anticipation in the last few days before a trip can be excruciating. How do I deal with it? I try to keep myself busy. I take care of last minute cleaning around the house. I actually start working on my classes for next school year (lame). I pay my bills and check my finances (depressing). When all else fails, I raid my DVD/BluRay collection (Alien, The Big Lebowski, North by Northwest, and Blade Runner so far). Four more days!


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