Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 8: Luzern

Today we descended from our mountain hideaway in Engelberg to the beautiful lakeside city of Luzern. Luzern, originally settled by the Romans derives its name from the Latin word for light, lux. According to legend, Roman soldiers exploring the province of Helvetica followed mysterious lights to the site of modern Luzern. During the middle ages Franciscan monks founded a monastery on the sight of the old Roman settlement. The romanesque Hofkirche marks the original location of the old monastery.

We had plenty of time to enjoy the good weather on Lake Luzern today. There was plenty of chocolate purchased and consumed. Luzern is a shopping Mecca these days. The month of July is sales season. I'm sure there was plenty of shopping going on today as well. I opted to hit up a CoOp grocery store for some bread, butter, salami, Emmentaler cheese, and a bottle of beer for a picnic. After a 45 minute stroll down the tree-covered lakeside quay, I found the perfect spot to enjoy my lunch by the lake. I shared my lunch with a friendly duck who seemed to enjoy a little butter on her bread.

I try to avoid some of the more touristy shopping areas of Luzern. However, it was amusing, and a little disturbing, to watch the hordes of Chinese tourists throwing down thousands of Swiss Francs to purchase two, three, and four Rolex watches in the Bucherer store. I think I'll stick to the souveniers I can afford; Swiss Army Knives and chocolate.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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