Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Bavarian Air Conditioning

I think most travelers to Munich are surprised by the summer heat. Yesterday, the temperature was somewhere around 80 degrees. That's not too hot for Southern California, but with the German humidity it's almost unbearable. I don't think I stopped sweating all day. To make matters worse, Europeans are notoriously bad with air conditioning. For example, our hotel has no air conditioning. The Germans, ever the pragmatists, don't see air conditioning as a good investment. Sure, it does get warm. But it doesn't stay warm for very long. There is a very good reason why Bavaria is such a green place; it rains all year long. Realizing that the weather was certain to cool off in the evening, I opened both of my windows before going to bed last night. Sure enough, we had wind, rain, thunder, and lightning; Bavarian air conditioning!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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