Sunday, June 17, 2012

23 Days: More Packing Tips

With only 23 days to go (yes, I'm counting) I thought I might take some time to share some packing tips that I have learned from some of my student travelers over the years, and share a few that I've figured out on my own.

Packing Cubes: I learned a long time ago that the key to compact packing for any trip to Europe (or Japan, or wherever...) is organization. I've learned how to compartmentalize my suitcase by using packing cubes. Packing cubes are wonderful mesh bags that allow you to separate your clothes. (One cube for pants, one for shirts, one for socks, etc...) I also bring along a couple of small mesh laundry bags to separate clothes that definitely need to be washed from those that might last another day or two.

Ziploc Bags: These little plastic wonders of American consumerism are amazingly useful on the road. I use them to store things that might leak in my suitcase. I also use them to store any extra coins that I might have left over, so they don't fly loose around my bag. Ziploc bags are not readily available in Europe, so buy them before you leave. Make sure you get the 1 quart size to comply with the Department of Homeland Security's 3-1-1 rule.

Roll Your Clothes: Two years ago I had a student traveling with me who managed to travel through 6 countries (including a trip on an overnight train) with nothing but a carryon sized suitcase. She managed this feat of spacial engineering by rolling her clothes instead of folding them. Not only was she able to fit more clothes in her suitcase, but they also came out relatively wrinkle-free. (Thanks for the tip, Courtney)

Dryer Sheets Fight The Funk: If you're seriously worried about staying odor-free, bring a few dryer sheets with you. Pack them in one of your Ziploc bags. When you repack your suitcase at the hotel, take one of the dryer sheets out of the bag and throw it in with your clothes. I use a combination of the dryer sheets and Febreeze when I travel. I also hang my clothes up in the room to air them out and to remove any wrinkles. (Thanks to Vanessa for this tip)

We should be receiving our final itineraries and receipts for our our electronic tickets soon. We have tentatively set aside June 30 as the date for our final meeting before departure. Check the trip site for our full itinerary and any announcements regarding the meeting.

Trip Site: Click Here


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