Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Free Time Suggestions: Florence and Montecatini

The Renaissance, and modern Europe, were born in Florence a little over 600 years ago. This city gave early modern European history many of its first artistic, literary, and scientific geniuses (Petrarch, Brunelleschi, Pico della Mirandola, Botticelli, Michelangelo, Da Vinci, Raphael, Galileo...). Today, Florence is a city that is still alive with this history. Due to the change in the direction of our travel, we actually have two afternoons in this beautiful city instead of only one. We already have a timed entrance into the Accademia Gallery to visit Michelangelo's David and his Prisoners. Here are a few suggestions to fill the rest of our Florentine excursion:

-Uffizi Gallery: This is the other museum in Florence that makes it onto most "must see" lists. The lines of tourists waiting outside to get in only serves to reinforce this notion. Once the offices (uffizi) of the Medici, the Uffizi Gallery now houses the greatest collection of Florentine Renaissance artwork in the world. If you plan on visiting this museum, skip the line by booking tickets online now.

-Museum of San Marco: This museum, housed in the old Dominican monastery of San Marco, contains a great collection of frescoes by Fra Angelico.

-Medici Chapels: This museum, part of the complex of the basilica of San Lorenzo, contains the great tombs of Lorenzo and Giuliano de' Medici that were designed by Michelangelo.

-Climb the Campanile or Brunelleschi's Dome: Looking for a great view of Florence? Either of these two sights (both a part of Florence's famous cathedral) should fit the bill nicely.

-Duomo Museum: Check out Ghiberti's panels for the Gates of Paradise (the begining of the Renaissance) and Michelangelo's Pietà in the cathedral's official museum.

-Palazzo Pitti & Boboli Gardens: The home of the Grand Dukes of Tuscany and the king of Italy (for the brief period in which Florence was the capital), this palace also houses the most beautiful gardens in Florence.

Go to the official website of the State Museums of Florence for more information:

Montecatini Terme:

Montecatini, a resort town to the west of Florence, has long been known for its healing spa waters. The first baths were constructed below the old town during the 1530, one of which was named for the Medici family. The newer resort town of Montecatini dates from the Belle Epoque of the late 19th and early 20th century. It was a favorite haunt of Hollywood celebrities during the 1930s. This is the town in which we will be staying. The old medieval town of Montecatini sits high on a rocky mountain above the spa town, and can be reached via a 19th-century funicular. Think of Montecatini as the perfect place to relax after the craziness and heat of Florence. My suggestions for free time in Montecatini are few. Take a walk through the resort town and enjoy some gelato. During my last visit to Montecatini I took in a free concert at one of the big spas. The best excursion in Montecatini is the funicular ride up to the old town.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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