Monday, June 13, 2011

Eating Your Way Through Europe

One of my favorite things to do in Europe is to eat. What is the point in getting out and experiencing a different culture and a different part of the world if you're not willing to get out of your culinary comfort zone and try the local cuisine. Get used to the fact that ketchup on every table is not a cultural universal. In fact, it might be considered "bad form" to ask for it at all. Sometimes trying a different food might be as easy as trying Nutella crêpes in Paris. But it may be more adventurous, like trying calimari in a sauce made of squid ink in Venice.

Feel free to indulge a little. In Munich I pick up a quick lunch at the Viktualienmarkt, usually with a little beer. On an evening stroll through Montmartre in Paris I might pick up a crêpe (Nutella or strawberry). In Italy I make it my mission to seek out and sample the best gelato in every town.

A few reminders about eating in Europe:
- Some restaurants may expect you to sit for a couple of hours to enjoy your meal. If you have a limited amount of time (say, for lunch) you may want to consider a stand-up meal.
-Eating well does not require you to break the bank. Shop around for a less touristy restaurant and order the daily special. It's usually whatever is in season. A good mean can be had for around €15.

Check out Rick Steves' rules for European restaurants:

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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

My First Travel Experience

My first experience with travel came at a very early age. When I was six years old I accompanied my parents and my grandmother on a trip to Munich to visit family. That trip was over thirty years ago, but it left a very big impression upon me. I visited my first palace, Herrenchiemsee. I also visited my first castle, Neuschwanstein. I rode a train for the very first time on the trip from the airport in Frankfurt am Main to Munich. I still remember the green seats and watching all of the bridges pass by. I even remember the book I took with me; a book of Peanuts comics. It was on this trip that I learned how to ride a bike outside of my great-aunt's house. The picture of the happy kid is me on that first successful bike ride. It was on this trip that I first developed a taste for and a love of travel. I am very much looking forward to being back in Munich next month. :-)

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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Getting Around: Is There A Better Way?

It's amazing how travel can change your perspectives. I was sitting in traffic last week, feeling the frustration of so many California drivers, when it hit me. I would have given anything to be sitting comfortably on a commuter train, reading a book instead of fighting traffic. Suddenly, the constant construction of new freeway lanes and special toll lanes seemed less like a real solution to the problem of gridlock, and more like a big invitation to more of the same old thing. I blame this attitude on my exposure to the efficient public transportation systems of cities like Paris, Munich, and London. It is possible, and indeed very easy, to live in these cities without the use of a car at all. In fact, the busiest street in Munich, Kaufinger Strasse, is a pedestrians-only thoroughfare. Efficient high-speed rail systems like the TGV make it possible to zip between major cities in a couple of hours (Laussane to Paris in 3.5 hours, Paris to London in 2.5 hours!). After these great experiences with rapid transit in Europe, I come home hoping that someday the United States (or at least California) will be able to enjoy the benefits of quick, affordable rail systems.

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Moved My Blog

As my next trip to Europe approaches I have decided to move my blog to a site. This will allow me to post updates and photos from my trip using my iPad or my iPhone (I'm such a techno-geek!). I don't think I'll ever stop being amazed at the ability to instantly share a trip with my friends and family from the other side of the globe. Using the BlogPress app will also allow me the ability to compose and publish a posting whenever an idea strikes me.

36 days to go!

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